Com = a long-range walkie-talkie.
The Core = the most central star in the galaxy and the five terraformed, habitable worlds orbiting it. Home to the wealthy and powerful, base of the Federation.
The Federation = the galaxy's government
Hades = a planet orbiting the sun closest to the
Core. Home of the wraiths. Destroyed by humans. Its debris are known as
the Killing Fields.
The Killing Fields = A field of asteroids orbiting the sun
closest to the Core. All that's left of the planet Hades.
Mimik = a shape-shifting, intelligent species from
'Origin' = anything Earth-related
The Rim = the mostly unexplored outer reaches of the galaxy.
Officially under Federal rule, the terraformed rim planets are left mostly to
self-governing because the Federation's reach isn't quite so long, yet. Often,
the living conditions are harsh and crime abounds. Might means right. This is
where society's refugees wash up.
Verse = short for universe
Wraiths = an intelligent humanoid species from Hades.
hard to kill, like the taste of human flesh. Presumed extinct.
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